Monday 18 May 2015

Pink Paint for Girls and Blue Paint for Boys

People will STILL paint a boy’s room blue and a girl’s room pink.

 Oliver Wheaton - for Sunday 17 May 2015 5:03 pm

You can try as hard as you like to break gender stereotypes, but it seems we are still being indoctrinated at a young age.

A YouGov poll recently found that parents would prefer to paint and baby boy’s room a classic blue, and a baby girl’s room the standard pink.

The survey revealed that 46 per cent of people would chose blue for a boy’s room and pink for a girl’s if tasked with decorating a new born baby’s room for some reason.

Only 20 per cent of people surveyed said they would choose the gender neutral colour of yellow for a child’s room, with 13 per cent saying they would paint it a clinical white.

Maybe the people painting their children’s rooms these colours will also give their sons Barbie dolls and their daughters toy trucks, just to even things out a bit?